
Privacy statement

Date of issue: 14 May 2024

AIMlearning project

The project is co-funded by the European Union and managed by Centria University of Applied Sciences.

We process your data In accordance with Centria's General Data Protection Statement.

1. Registrar

Centria University of Applied Sciences
Talonpojankatu 2, 67100 Kokkola
Tel. (06) 868 0200

2. Person in charge of the register and contact person

Person in charge: Leena Toivanen, Project Manager AIMlearning project,
Contact person: Hanna Kenakkala, Communications Officer AIMlearning project,

3. Contact details of the Data Protection Officer

Centria University of Applied Sciences Ltd, Data Protection Officer, Talonpojankatu 2, 67100 Kokkola, Finland
Tel. (06) 868 0200, e-mail:

4. Name of the register

AIMlearning project website and contact form

5. Purpose, basis and retention period of the processing of personal data

We mainly use your data to inform about the project.

In addition, the beneficiary (Centria) must collect under the Directives the Data on participants in a project co-financed by the Structural Funds. Data is collected only for the project funder to verify the number of users of the materials. The funder obliges to collect information on how widely the target group is reached. The ESF funding obliges Centria, as a beneficiary, to maintain all accounting and other material in such a way that control over the use of the aid is possible. The material must be retained as a rule 10 calendar year from the end date of the project as set out in the financing decision.

We may also use your information for other purposes. 

Read more about how we process your data In accordance with Centria's General Data Protection Statement.
