Event schedule
11:30 Refreshments
11:50 Opening and Welcome Remarks (Leena Toivanen)
12:00 Entrepreneurship and integration to the Finnish society (Mashuk Karim)
I am Mashuk Karim an entrepreneur in Keski-Pohjanmaa area since 2010. As a non-native citizen, I have experienced different aspects of life and society to successfully start and run my business in Finland. I have had a broad experience with various type of businesses. Among of them all, musical event hosting, fast food business and consulting for new entrepreneurs have been my strongest field. In this event I will talk about entrepreneurship and integration to the Finnish society as a foreign person.
12:45 Entrepreneurship in the Gaming Industry (Juho Kuorikoski)
I am Juho Kuorikoski, a game designer living in Kaustinen. I founded Horsefly Games and have worked in the games industry for the past 10 years. During this time, I have released five commercial games and written several books covering the games industry and games in general. I also work as a contributor at Pelit magazine, one of the oldest games magazines in the world. Additionally, I work as an R&D Expert at Centria.
During my lecture, I, will share my journey in the games industry and provide useful advice on what it takes to establish your own game studio.
13:30 Break (15 minutes) and an opportunity to try Juho’s games.
13:45 Future work life skills discussion and workshop (Marianne Murto)
I am Marianne Murto, entrepreneur, and team coach at Mind Me Solutions. I coach on a wide range of topics related to teamwork, such as interaction skills, leadership, and teamwork development. In this workshop we will discuss future work life skills and how to support collaborative thinking, especially in a remote environment. We will learn about the skills needed in today’s work life and how we can succeed in them – together.
Please note that remote participants can listen on the discussion but cannot participate in the workshop. The workshop part is only available to those on location in the Kokkola Campus.
15:30 Closing of the Event
Event language
Join us remotely or come in person to listen!
Register now and join us remotely or come along to listen to the talks and test games at Centria’s Kokkola Campus in the large lecture hall on November 21, 2024, from 12:00 to 15:30.
To arrange refreshments, we kindly ask as many people as possible to register in advance. Please note that remote participants must always register in advance to receive the participation link.